Friday, 9 November 2018

Wellfare State @ Negara Kebajikan

Negara berkebajikan atau dalam bahasa Inggerisnya "Welfare state" merupakan satu utopia ulung yang selalu dinaung dan diselogankan oleh pelbagai parti terutamanya parti yang berorientasikan politik. Persoalannya, apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan negara berkebajikan?

Kenangan manis kau dan aku takkan terkubur...

Secara peribadi yang juga berdasarkan pemerhatian, terdapat pelbagai tafsiran maksud negara berkebajikan. Pertama sekali istilah negara berkebajikan dipopularkan adalah ketika PAS mesra bersama DAP dan PKR suatu ketika dahulu yang mana PAS meletakkan negara berkebajikan sebagai slogan utama.

My understanding the Islamic Economic system is; Moderate capitalist for social welfare ...
Or in Malay; Kapitalis sederhana untuk kebajikan masyarakat... 

Adakah kebajikan masyarakat merujuk kepada situasi negara berkebajikan? Ya. Itu yang maksudkan. Keadilan sosial yang adil dan saksama adalah berdasarkan "siapa yang usaha dia yang (insyallah) akan medapatkan hasilnya". Ini sesuai dengan wahyu Allah; "Kami tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum sekiranya mereka tidak mengubah nasib mereka sendiri".

Dalam sejarah, pelbagai tamadun mengangkat diri sebagai negara yang menegakkan kebajikan sosial. Baik dari Hamurabbi di tamadun Babil kuno hingga ke kisah² raja² di dalam kitab Mahabrata.

"Di dunia ini tiada apa yang pasti kecuali kematian dan cukai" Benjamin Franklin

Namun apa yang menarik dalam sejarah Islam, kaedah negara berkebajikan itu diterap sebagai satu sistem yang menjadi sebahagian daripada nadi ekonomi negara. Aku merujuk kepada sistem zakat. Zakat mengikut kefahaman aku adalah satu cukai yang dijadikan doktrin agama (sebahagian dari rukun Islam). Semua wajib membayar zakat kecuali mereka yang digolongkan sebagai tidak mampu. Duit zakat itu pula dilaburkan dalam infrastuktur dan membantu orang yang layak.

Pencen merupakan satu teknik perlaksanaan kebajikan. Dalam sejarah, sistem pencen mula dikesan di dalam sistem ekonomi ketenteraan. Para bekas perajurit dijanjikan dengan pencen yang menarik setelah tamat perkhidmatan.

Namun perlaksanan negara berkebajikan juga harus bertanggung jawab. Bantuan kewangan daripada pihak pemerintah sekiranya tidak diagihkan dengan adil akan menghasilkan masalah sosio ekonomi yang parah. Ia akan menghasilkan rakyat yang malas dan tidak produktif. Rakyat yang hanya menagih agihan kewangan dari keringat orang lain (yang lebih rajin berusaha). Isyarat negara berkebajikan barangkali disalah tafsir oleh mereka yang semamangnya pemalas yang hanya pandai memberi alasan, lepak kedai mamak, berlepak dimedan sosial dan pandai memberi alasan. Golongan  yang diganja dengan imbuhan atas tiket kebajikan akan ada sejuta alasan untuk kekal menjadi malas dan tidak produktif daripada menambah ilmu untuk meningkatkan keupayaan diri dan ekonomi diri.

Menagih Kebajikan

Adakah ini yang dianjurkan oleh Islam? Islam tidak pernah menyuruh umatnya menjadi miskin. Paling tidak 2 insan daripada 10 sahabat yang dijamin masuk syurga adalah hartawan. 2 daripada 4 imam besar mazhab sunnah waljamaah adalah berharta. Malah 2 daripada rukun Islam memerlukan harta yang secukupnya untuk dilaksanakan iaitu 1) membayar zakat dan 2) menunaikan haji di Mekah. Malah kebajikan yang paling ulung dalam Islam adalah bersedekah (juga memerlukan harta). Janganlah kita menyalah tafsir dengan kisah sedekah sekadar buah kurma. Ia membawa maksud tersirat berbanding tersurat.

Islam mengatakan bahawa "tangan diatas lebih baik dari tangan dibawah" dan Islam mengajar untuk "tidak meminta-minta". Islam mengajar untuk berusaha daripada menjadi pengemis. Jadi tidak malukah kita yang beragama Islam dengan bangga menjadi mereka yang tangan dibawah?

Agihan kebajikan negara perlu lebih bersasar. Golongan miskin yang sempurna tubuh badan dan akal fikiran pada hemat aku tidak layak menerima bantuan kebajikan seperti golongan kurang upaya dan orang tua. Golongan seperti ini seharusnya diberikan "disiplin" dalam hidup berbanding bantuan kewangan untuk mengelak mereka daripada terus malas, tidak mengurus keluarga dan hidup dengan baik dan juga tidak bertanggung jawab. Paling tidak ditunjuk jalan keluar dari kancah kemiskinan.

Di zaman moden ini, kemiskinan boleh diubah dengan usaha dan ilmu. Viscous cycle of poverty atau kitar ganas kemiskinan boleh diubah dengan usaha dan ilmu. Kini semua orang mendapat peluang untuk mengubah nasib mereka. Sedih aku lihat di sekitar, golongan yang miskin dan rosak masa depan bukan akibat ditindas tapi dianaiya oleh diri mereka sendiri. Banyak anak² orang miskin ini akan terus miskin kerana sikap mereka. Ponteng sekolah, gejala sosial majoritinya datang dari kelas sederhana dan banyak kelas bawah. Adakah suatu hari nanti golongan ini juga yang menagih kebajikan dari pemerintah? Adakah golongan ini juga yang akan mudah dirasuah? Mungkin.

Perlaksanaan negara berkebajikan perlulah berhati-hati. Janganlah dilakukan untuk membeli undi. Tapi lakukan atas niat membatu mereka yang betul² memerlukan dan bukan mereka yang miskin tapi sentiasa menambah zuriat dengan alasan rezeki tetapi tidak fikir faktor kezaliman terhadap masa depan anak.

Perlaksanaan kerajaan berkebajikan yang tidak berhati-hati bakal menghancurkan ekonomi dan memberi isyarat yang salah kepada rakyat.

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Troy: The Implicit View

I completed watching this movie after a very difficult mind acceptance adjustment. I personally just can't brain why Netflix changed the colour for Achilles, Zeus and others (inclusive some of the Greek Gods)? These characters are not black or negroid. They were white! The images depicted them are all white with Caucasian characteristic (nose, lips etc). By doing this (changing), it is a racist act indirectly. Netflix being racist to the black and the white. By doing this also, it shows that Netflix also has no respect the heritage and culture of the Greek people.  

Anyway, the drama is OK (beside the racist move by Netflix). It is not an action drama but a politic drama. Thus quite enjoyable but at time a bit draggy.

The Implicit View Of Trojan War

What really happened in Troy? The story that popular culture familiar may be a bit romanticize base on the people of ancient view things. The story obviously heavily saturated with myth and fantasy. I personally see it a bit differently.
  • Did Helen really love Paris? 
  • Why did Helen left her husband (Menelaus) and daughter for Paris? 
  • Why after the fall of Troy, Helen became the queen again for Menelaus? 
  • In fact, why Helen had no qualm in giving anecdotes about Troy incident? 
  • She lived with Menelaus harmoniously post war. 
  • Menelaus was a King that have pride and all the power in the world to get anybody he desired. Why should he accept a "dirty" Helen for his wife again except she was the master behind the scheme or he had a deal with Helen?
I think the real evil in this epic was Helen. I think she was like Matahari, a spy that purposely seduced the weak Paris into falling in love with her. The whole tragedy was a manufactured ploy to destroy Troy which was a rival to the Greek. Her acted was soo great that the week Trojan royalty been fooled by her acted. 

The story has many questioned motives. If we were study the plot by plot carefully, we can see that all the act concerning Helen from the depart to Troy, lives in Troy than later rejoin with her husband (Menelaus) were too smooth for her. She may had even master the act of persuasion and may have the ability to create drug that make Paris to become a fool to her. I also think the Trojan horse idea was also partly contributed by her after she studied the Trojan culture and saw how stupid and superstitious the Trojan were.

To cover her innocent and and still gave pride to Menelaus they blame the Gods. Obviously the ancient people are very superstitious and would easily been fooled. 

It is an interesting case study. The story is more than meet the eye. We need to see what are the implicit factors that motivate and serve elitist desire. We need to have the critical thinking ability to avoid being fool and manipulate by identifying the implicit factors in any situation such as "who will be the most benefactor."  

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

The Prince

This book is suppose to be one of the most influential tactical, management and political book been written. The words had influence leaders especially in the West. But unfortunately, it got the impression that it is a book for evil leaders. There are even article and studied or even popular view that leaders that embrace or practice the Prince will be an evil leader. Is this true?

In book (for instance) it was written;
"...In taking a state the conqueror must must arrange to commit am his cruelties at once, so as not to have to recur to them every day... benefit should be granted little by little, so that they may be better enjoy."
"... the Prince need to be loved and fear, but need to choose one over another, fear is better effective."
"... The Prince at any point of time need to have the ability to do things that are not popular."

Thus does this make The Prince is an evil book for leaders? I personally don't think so. The Prince is a book of practical guidance. It does not sugar coat. It appointed direct advice for actual possible condition. The guide may be obscure & cruel but it is most effective and fast result oriented. But those it not promote love and harmony? Yes it does. One can't simply took portion of the book and make claim or label the book. If one read it carefully with context, one will find that "A Prince is to promote harmony and stability above all". But in order to do that discipline, law and order need to be in place. However, Machiavelli did state (as per I can recall) that ".. all people are evil by nature...".

Anyway, the principle on the Prince from my point of view is also quite similar to The Art Of Wars. Only the The Prince is bold rather than indirect.

Note: The book was written by Niccolo Machiavelli. The writings and the philosophy of the Prince is been named as Machiavellian.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Influential Persons In The World

One of the main attribute for a leader is to have high influential persona. A person is not a leader if one is unable to influence others to do things. If one can only use force to make things happen, than one is not a capable leader.

The book in the picture entitle The 100. It is a collection of the most influential people in the world. The rate is from the most, down to the 100th. The book was written by Micheal H. Hart in 1978. Below are the list of top 5 most influential person:
1. Muhammad
2. Isaac Newton
3. Jesus
4. Guatama Buddha
5. St. Paul
Only 1 from this top 5 is a non religious person; Sir Isaac Newton. All others are religious leaders (except for Muhammad; a religious and political).
The list is a differentiate between most influential and greatest. This mean without the person, the world would never as it is today. The person existence need to have to greatest impact in the history of the world. Some people may be great and famous but the person may not be influential. His existent does not impact the social behavior, economic landscape and way of life. Even among the greatest most famous person such as Alexander is not even in the top 20.

This book a good read. The basic history of these people are well written and simplified for easy understanding. From this list of people also we are able to learn the person character and help to improve ourselves.

As for the list; Muhammad is consider #1 due to he is the only person on the world that is successful as a religious and secular leader. The other individual that is similar to him was Moses. But the after impact of Moses is smaller compare to Muhammad.

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Is Alexander great?

Iskandar bukan Blonde!!!

Or "Was" Alexander great???

Popular "Culture"

Most of us know who Alexander is. Some may call him as Iskandar. The Malays & Muslim mostly make mistake by taking him as Iskandar Zulkarnain or Zulkarnain in the Quran. Unfortunately Alexander is not Zulkarnain mention in the Quran. Zulkarnain in the Quran maybe Cyrus The Great. A Zoroastrian (a monotheist religion) while Alexander was a Polytheist and also claim to be son of Ra. But bare in mind, this Alexander is the Alexander mention in Sulalatus Salatin (Sejarah Malayu) that suppose to be the great, great, great grandfather of Malay Melaka Sultanate (now Perak Sultanate) through Maharaja Rajendra Chola. Or maybe the Malay aristocrat also confused & made a mistake? Hahahaha...

Other than that, Kedah Annals - Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa also depicted as the Merong Mahawangsa to be the escort champion for the unity (marriage) of 2 greatest empire in ancient time, the Rome and the Chinese. Nothing to do with Alexander, but the Malay of old try to associate with great powerhouse during the day. Also, in the Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa, The Garuda consult with Prophet Sulaiman. Hahahah...  

Is Alexander great? 

Nobody will doubt his achievement. At a very young age he had concurred near 50% of the ancient civilized old world. He never lost during battles (but experience heavy casualties during his India campaign). During his campaign, the troop @ army that he marched was like a mobile city. During his lifetime, we was a very great and effective leader. But was he a responsible leader? Or he just use his charisma and charm for his personal glory? Or he was just a war monger?

One thing for sure his empire didn't last. Near immediately after his demise, his empire broke down and were divided among his generals and "friends". He never had a successor. He did not even have plan for his empire except moaning about his utopia nation but never really made any roadmap towards it.

Alexander may be a great leader during battles. He was definitely very good at battles strategy and tactical. But he was not a great leader on totality. He lack vision for his people. His vision was only for him.

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Nasi Lemak War - The Perodua Morning Breakfast

 7 am to Perodua

Everyday, most Peroduan go through this road for work. Mostly to the manufacturing (kilang) and to office. There are many options for breakfast for Peroduan along this road. From small stalls (gerai) for "buy & go", stall with small tables and restaurant. The current restaurant is a "mamak". It has change ownership several time until now. I personally think this mamak is here to stay. 

Most of the stall available here are nasi lemak stall. As Malaysian, nasi lemak is considered a perfect breakfast. Usually the stall do not only sells nasi lemak "cedok" only, they also sell nasi putih along with the dish, kueh, nasi goreng, bihun goreng, mee goreng etc. Those are Malaysian heavy breakfast food. But in general everybody called them nasi lemak stalls.

Note: Nasi lemak cedok (dipper) is nasi lemak or nasi putih where customer can take their own dish for their nasi. The dish are either paru, meat, chicken, cuttle fish etc. 

Venture Into Red Ocean
If one wish to open the nasi lemak stall here, one need to be ready to venture in red ocean business. Along this road there are at least 6 stalls some are well establish while some just come and go (unable to be stable and make steady income out of it). I had seen many stall come and go for the past 5 to 6 years since I first transferred to HQ. However, if one truly wish to venture, one does not have to worry because the market is huge!
The Art Of War teaches us: Know your enemy as you know yourself than you will not loose a thousand battles.
Your enemy:
1. The customers:
  • Who are they?: Most are factory workers (operators, line worker etc) that required lots of energy, something that suites their taste buds and most important cheap. Office workers like me that enjoy good food and appreciate cheap price.
  • What they want?: Good food (taste good), cheap food, big in portion @ quantity (banyak), fast service & smile.
2. The competitor:
  •  What they offer? Good food (taste good)? Cheap food? Big in quantity (banyak)? Fast service? & Do they smile?
Smile is important during breakfast transaction because it is the start of day work and it can effect the day's mood. Especially if you are going the face hard day work with strict and fierce boss. 
Cute & sweet worker also plus point... Wah hahahahaha...

Usually each of the customer (including myself) have our own favorite stall for our breakfast. We consider which stall as our favorite mostly base from the criteria mentioned. I have 2 stalls that I usually go depending on my morning "selera". Having said so, whenever there is a new stall open, most customers will go and try, including myself. If the new stall is good (comply with what the customers' wanted), than there will be high possibility for the stall to stay.

Case 1:
Recently there was 1 stall just open and I believe it already close. Husband and wife operating the stall. I try that stall since it was new. I took nasi lemak basic and paru. The dialog as below:
Stall: RM5...
Pawi: RM5?
Stall: Yes... You took paru isn't it?
I paid and go but I have to admit that the food was good.

Case 2:
Last year I think, the stall was a lorry under Zakat. The operators are elderly people. Unfortunately the food was limited to nasi lemak and the tastse was awe full. Thus the lorry not here (the road) anymore.. Pity them..

Case 3:
This was actually 1 of my few favorite. A guy selling nasi lemak from his Wira back boot. No stall. Just 1 table for 3 types of nasi lemak daun pisang. Either kerang (clam - my favorite), cuttlefish and basic. But the nasi lemak portion is small (5 kali suap) price for clam and cuttlefish is a bit high; RM2.50. I liked the nasi lemak very much because the taste is very good. As for me, maybe it is OK for me to pay with that price for that portion. But for most other customers (mainly the factory operators), maybe it is not enough. Thus the stall is not here anymore.. I really hope 1 day I could see that Wira nasi lemak again.. 

From these 3 basic samples (actually there are more), all of them did not understand or implement what Sun Tze said.This does not mean they need to learn the Art of War by heart (some people I knew learn the Art Of War but did not implemented them), but they did not even bother to understand the market, their customer and even their competitors.

I have my own favorite stall to to go. At the stall, I always took nasi lemak basic with paru. The cost is only RM2.50 to RM3.00 (depending on portion if side dish I took). The makciks (2 of them) smile, say TQ and are very fast. Off course the food are good also. If I took nasi lemak basic with side dish such as paru @ meat @ cuttlefish and with sardine, it only cost me from RM4.50 to RM5.00. Very cheap. The rice also a lot. This is my standard. Whenever I try new stall, I will automatically compare with my favorite stall.

For case 1, it broke all the basic rules. It also disrespect the customer by ridicule the customer with questioning back what customer took. They did not even say thank you.
Case 2 I think is more into product matter. The price is OK but the quality is bad. Unable to compete in the red ocean. Kesian...
Case 3 I think is he is a middle person that jack up the price.

Nasi Lemak War
As mention, nasi lemak is very Malaysian. Most Malay would take nasi lemak not only in the morning, but anytime of the 24 hours. As for "the road" to Perodua nasi lemak war, it is an ongoing battles. Each day those makciks, kakaks, abangs and adiks would do their best to win the nasi lemak battles. Actually there shouldn't be any losers in the road nasi lemak war. The market is huge. Enough for every body. The stalls need not to break the basic rule of providing food customers.
Also, since venturing into nasi lemak war is very red ocean, than Sun Tze advice is very true and dire.

Monday, 9 July 2018

LBGT 2018

Lately, the LGBT movement is on the rise. For what ever reason they are getting more vocal and more open on their demands and request. From my observation, not all that champion the LBGT movement are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. In fact I'm confident to say that most of them are  not. These are the people that sympathies with the LBGT group.

The Sympathies
As to now, I can't confirm their basis for the sympathies. As per now (9 July 2018), I am still engaging with them via twitter to understand their basis and point of view. However as per my current understanding there are a few reasons (I think) that contribute to the sympathy.
  • They think they are civilize and "progress" people like the West.
  • They think they are the enforcer of justice* for the suppress people of LBGT community.
  • They join the band wagon of the civilize people that worship the human right translation of the West.
  • They are atheist (or from the religion that are OK with LBGT).
  • They are agnostic.
  • They genuinely feel the love.
*Maybe they think they are like the X Men championing the right of the Mutant.

I had written about the subject before in 2011. The Seksualiti Merdeka 2011 series:
Curse of The New Government
PRU 14 was really exciting and full of dramas. PH (Pakatan Harapan) won defeating BN (Barisan Nasional). The people of Malaysia regardless race, sex and religion unite to change the previous into the new one. Thus PH is like a new born that been cursed with dream and hope of the multi reason hopes and dreams. This include the LBGT movement group. The group selfishly (or stupidly; depend on how you see it) thought they are the majority and the the win of PH signal the Malaysian readiness to accept their LBGT movement group. They forgot for many years PH (the reincarnate on many Pakatans or Barisan before) had fail to topple the BN. They forgot one of the main reason for the PH win is due to the Malay swing. It is very obvious to pin point the signs.

The Malay (some say) may be stupid, lazy and lethargy.. But when it come to religion, in Malaysia, being Muslim is already 50% Malay. And when it come to religion, most Muslim will blindly do what it must to defend its identity and "honour".

PH currently is under a lot of pressure. Both from their supporters and from the oppositions. Their supporters being selfish with a lot request and demand while the opposition  being very opportunist with eagle for being very cynical and critical (of fault findings).

Insyallah, I will share my thought about PRU 14 in the coming times..

I don't support LBGT. For me, LBGT is a disease similar to pedophile. Muslim and Christian need to work together to cure this disease. However the cure need to be gentle without aggression. Love moves compare to hate.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Menulis Blog

Kali terakhir aku tulis blog post adalah pada akhir Ogos 2016. Tulisan itu mengkritik kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) yang diketuai oleh Datuk Sri Najib (DSN). Ketika itu Tun Dr. Mahathir (TunM) masih belum secara terbuka menentang DSN. Namun aku yang suatu ketika dahulu amat yakin dengan kerajaan UMNO mula goyang kerana langkah dan tindak tanduk UMNO yang pada hemat aku lari dari lumrah yang aku rasa sepatutnya. Dan akhrinya tak sangka, UMNO dan BN tumbang pada PRU14...

Setelah itu, hampir 2 tahun aku tak menulis yang mana sebab utama aku pasti adalah kerana malas dan tak ada mood. Wah hahahahahahahaha....

Aku menulis untuk suka², meluahkan perasaan, berkongsi pendapat barangkali, mencari teman debat yang profesional dan juga mungkin berkongsi sedikit ilmu yang ada (kalau ada lah...).

Banyak genre yang aku tulis. Dari berunsurkan agama (kegemaran aku, hehehehehe), hiburan (seperti komik, musik dan lain²), politik (guilty pleasure), kebudayaan, ulasan buku dan juga bicara kosong (seperti tips temuduga dan memasak).

Berunsurkan Agama
Setelah beberapa tahun menulis secara tidak profesional, banyak juga pengalaman yang aku dapat. Baik dari induvidu yang aku tak kenal dan juga dari kenalan atau sahabat yang kenal. Selain pernah digelar Islam Liberal (yes, aku pernah digelar demikian sedangkan ketika itu istilah Islam liberal masih belum kecoh) dan aku kena cari sendiri definisi Islam liberal dalam encik google. Sefaham aku liberal itu bermaksud bebas. Jadi Islam liberal bermaksud Islam bebas. Aku tak pasti aku liberal dimana. Tapi yang pasti aku Islam fundemental (asas). Aku juga pernah diguraukan sebagai memegang fahaman pelik dalam Islam. Aku tak pasti apa yang pelik. Pada aku hanya mereka sahaja tak faham atau malas nak fikir. Terus terang cakap dengan fahaman dan ilmu yang ada, aku berjaya berdebat dengan pastor kristian dan alhamdulllah pada hemat aku, aku berjaya checkmate kan dia lah..

It was in 2011 Penang.. really glad to meet them.. Not sure about them.. Hope to have this opportunity again.. That botak was me, holding the Bible..

Jumlah Pembaca
Sejujurnya pembaca tulisan aku hanya ratusan sahaja. Tak banyak. Ada juga yang hanya puluhan. bergantung ada topik tulisan sebenarnya. Sedikit rekod tentang hasil tulisan² aku.
  • Paling banyak baca: Comic House (lebih 20k orang..).
  • Paling sikit baca: Demonstrasi Jalanan (hanya 32 orang).
  • Paling banyak komen: Temuduga Itu & Ini (14 komen).
  • Paling komplek (secara peribadi): Perihal Bani Israel (banyak rujuk Bible masa tulis).
  • Paling berharapan besar (secara peribadi): Melaka The Glorious Malay Sultanate (harap Melayu buka mata dan minda).
Menuju Hadapan (Moving Forward)
Untuk aku...
  • Aku makin rajin baca buku (jangan asyik layan Netflix, layan movie, main game tidur).
  • Tak berhenti menulis walaupun semalas mana pun (agak susah sebab masa sangat laju dan mood sangat tak dinamik).
  • Work life balance antara kerja, keluarga dan peribadi.
  • Melayu rajin baca, guna otak dan berfikiran logik lagi rasional.
  • Melayu jangan risis, jangan malas dan suka taichi (Melayu lagi handal taichi berbanding Cina).
  • Malayu tak jadi pak turut terutamanya bab agama (end up kena kencing dengan Ustaz yang tak lulus dengan bergaya SPM).
  • Malaysia harmoni, aman dan sejahtera.